What does your daily selfcare routine look like? Depending on jobs, kids, pets, family, friends and more, a solid selfcare routine may not be currently part of your day-to-day lifestyle. We get it. When life piles up, selfcare sometimes can seem just like one more thing to do—causing more versus less stress. Right?
Self care does not have to take a long time. Don’t get us wrong, a week-long spa retreat would be super, but we are working on implementable steps that work within your life. Handy tools that you can use today.
To nourish your body and soul, you have to create a little space, ideally each day. How about five minutes to start? You’ve probably heard that you can’t look after other people unless you take care of yourself. That one’s as common as “drink more water”, right? The fact is, they are both 100% true. We promise the effort you put into yourself will be rewarded as energy, emotional balance and vitality.
Here is a list of a few selfcare ideas. Maybe a few resonate with you. Start small and keep going. It all adds up to a more grounded, vital you. Let us know if you have a few favorites; we always love to include new ideas.
- Hydration
- Sleep
- Relaxation
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Movement
- Nature therapy
- Strength training
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Prepared pantry and fridge - a selection to create ease of health
- Intention - a way to focus on what matters most to you
- Self talk and language positivity
Looking over this list, you might find that you already do a few of those without specifically considering them as self care. Meal prep makes life easier, and nature therapy can be looking out at the rain or just a walk around the block. Be kind to yourself if you can’t find your keys or your phone. Notice your thoughts and decide on kindness, not just towards others but to yourself. These daily practices can build you up, add resilience to your life and make you feel alive! Our journal entries go into depth about each of these self care methods. Just offering ideas, resources and inspiration to add a little more lovin’ to your day.
“To fall in love with yourself is the first step to happiness”