What does your daily selfcare routine look like? Depending on jobs, kids, pets, family, friends and more, a solid selfcare routine may not be currently part of your day-to-day lifestyle. We get it. When life piles up, selfcare sometimes can seem just like one more thing to do—causing more versus less stress. Right? Self care does not have to take a long time. Don’t get us wrong, a week-long spa retreat would be super, but we are working on implementable steps that work within your life. Handy tools that you can use today. To nourish your body and soul, you...
Let’s talk about musculature, the arrangement of muscles in the body. The fascia, deep connective lines that run throughout our bodies, hold the muscles and structural patterns in place. Think poor posture due to desk work or repetitive movements of unbalanced/repetitive sports, traumas due to accidents, injuries or emotional unrest.